Competitive Intelligence Manifesto: Rallying for CI Science

Following the CI Fellows webinar, where our Managing Partner and Chief Intelligence Officer shared the key conclusions of his Doctoral Thesis, UBERBRANDS is proud to share both the video and slide deck presented.

The #CIManifesto stands for:

  • We are CI Professionals

  • We do CI Science

  • CI Shapes the Future of Business

CI Fellows Webinar - CI Manifesto: Rallying behind CI Science

Keynote @ SBGC | SCIP Brasil | Competitive Intelligence: Trends and Challenges (in PT / slides in EN)

My Keynote for the “VIII Congresso Internacional em Tecnologia e Organização da Informação - TOI 2022” under the theme Data Science and Open Science – Library and Information Science Contribution organised by the “Departamento de Informação e Cultura da ECA-USP” and the “Observatório do Mercado de Trabalho em Informação na Era Digital (OMTID_CNPq)” in partnership with Sociedade Brasileira de Gestão do Conhecimento SBGC and Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) Brasil.

This symposium aims to debate with experts, researchers, organisations and professionals, the contributions of Information Science to organisations given the challenges Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management Professionals face in the context of being Data-Driven and Digital Technologies.

Luis Madureira 47:33 - 1:32:24